What We Do

Miele Associates is a complete design team, consisting of architects and engineers working towards a common goal, under one roof, to help you get the most for your construction dollar.

Most municipalities require retaining a licensed Architect or Engineer to seek an approval at the municipalities Building Department in order to construct or alter a building.

Many people don't realize how complicated it is to build and comply with codes, laws, contractors and budgets associated with their project.

Miele's architectural and engineering professionals have the education, training, experience and vision to help guide you through the design and construction process from start to finish.

Whether you're considering an alteration or the construction of a new structure, our design professionals can guide the way and provide a professional, well-designed solution that meets the requirements of the law, your budget and time frame for a successful project.

Before a project begins, architects and engineers use their extensive training and experience to solve problems in creative and economical ways. With their expertise in design and construction, they can show you alternatives and options you may never think of on your own. Design professionals can help you determine the best solution to your problem, and help make sure the solution doesn't become a problem in itself. The time to evaluate what is a good design is not when it is built but when it is in the design professional’s office.

We plan your project with you, and a well-conceived project can be built more effectively and economically. As your ideas change, we'll help you consider the changes on paper before they are implemented - which is much less expensive than when the project is actually being built. The preparation of thorough construction documents will allow for more accurate estimates as to time and cost, will prevent unnecessary work, and will make it easier to accurately budget and build your project. These services represent an investment, not an added cost, which will actually save you money.

A construction project of any size is a long process that can be disruptive physically, financially and emotionally, especially if you are living or working at the site under construction. Our professionals will find ways to best suit your interests and make the process go smoother.

There are differences between what an architect and engineer can contribute based on their training and experience, our Firm has both and the coordination of their efforts on your behalf is essential.